Thanks Stumpy....

you're so kind...

A least I think you are....

between being a drunk, crossed and can't type, that Alaskan Bush Trailer Trash Gibberish is really hard to understand....

its easier when your Lab takes pity on you, or feels embarrassed enough to type your posts out for you....

at least he's smart enough to translate that Popeye Style Mumbling Gibberish of yours into English...

And where's all the pics of Fish your shot? posted along with camo'ing and cleaning your rifles in the stream... get them all covered in rust, so you can look more manly and 'accomplished' to your groupies...

We all miss those pics, even tho most are 10 plus years old and we've all seen them a million times...and you ended up with them, knowing a guy... who knows a guy... who knows a guy, who has a cousin, who has a wife, who shot the bear you're showing...

It ain't easy being you, is it? How's the Blood Pressure doing anyway? some of us are concerned...last pic I saw of you, you were looking a little bug eyed, more so than your normal bugeyed look...your head looks like a bowling ball with a brain aneurysm starting to blow inside...