
You be SURE to try and "convince" yourself of those things,you MOST need to Clueless Coke Bottled Dumbfhuqk.

As per always,very GOOD call to refrain ALL things The Rifle and fhuqking Whine instead. What were the "odds"?!?




Cheer up,NOBODY could "make" you out to be more of an AMAZINGLY Stupid Fhuqk than you can,by simply rolling up your sleeves and doing your BEST. Hint. Now read that again. Re-hint.

PLEASE use as much Imagination and Pretend as you deem requisite,to find me "mistaken" and I'll happily take the nano-second request,to rub your nose even further in your fhuqking STUPIDITY. Hint.

Pardon my not feeling compelled to apologize,for being afforded the luxury of not being forced to guess...while guessing is ALL that you can "do". You haven't the "means","abilities" nor "comprehension",to be anything but a Brokedick Turd Polishing Whining CLUELESS Kchunt,though you do that exceptionally,if only due to a "life" of practice. Congratulations?!?

I'll feign my "surprise",that you are more than a whole bunch fhuqking ascared to dangle a pic of The Steaming Piece Of Fhuqking Schit,that you "use" as a barometer of 22LR "evaluation" and to garner such "keen" "insight". Laffin'!

Follow my every word as you do and gawk every splendid pixel to boot,as you try to "convince" yourself that you "could too".




Fredrica is sayin' that's she's more than a bunch miffed,that she can ONLY Dream and swipe pics,as she "lives" vicariously.




As per always and everything...boolits matter wayyyyyyyyyy more than headstamps. The BC advantages pay dividends,in non-lineal fashion.

No feat to watch a 22LR's heel travel in transit,with 6x magnification and favorable light at 45degrees or better to one's back. Huge concessions come with increased X's and I'm no good at being painted into a corner. Atmospherics(trace) are also easily caught with modest X's and the FOV can pay rather large bonuses in catching impact,when fighting tough conditions(wind).

In extrapolation,a 20MOA rail and 20MOA reticle melding,is a 40MOA swing in Theory,though typically shy of same due the rail's impetus in the equation and ring spacing skewing same. 10 Mils on the windshield,conjoined with 75MOA of inclination,are vastly superior means in actual Application. Ideally,I can get a 50yd 22LR zero with less than (1) Mil remaining on the erector,so as to eek ALL of the goodness out of the equation. Were one greedy,they could stab Horn' rings upon a 75MOA rail for 115 MOA total,then gun a zero ala hold under,to coax more out of a platform...but I've never been a Retro Jarhead Holdunder Fan. If it horns other's up,more power to 'em.

The Horn's will allow mechanical centering of windage,which is the ONLY way to yield max erector travel and they of course can be implemented with an inclination amount that is shy of 40MOA,for literally fine tuning an erector's max yield.

With the 22LR ammo I favor and a 50yd zero,the 500yd line is -449" of drop(25 Mils) and the jump to the 700yd line is a greater correction,than the initial 500yds(651" more drop,to scratch out those last 200yds). 700yds is -1100" of drop(43.7 Mils),which is very easily arranged with an Annie 54 and Bob's 75MOA extended 1913 rail with a 10x MQ. Nothin' to it. In extrapolation,10mph full value wind is a paltry 200" or 8Mils. No thang to dial 3 Mils and slide 5 more on the windshield. Hint.

Anywhoo...few things are as fhuqking fun,as driving a Skookum 22LR into sumptin' several zipcodes away. As distance increases,Annie Magnificence shines even brighter and again,in non-lineal fashion. Though that's easy for me to say,as I've shot or got 'em all.

Have had countless folks do just that with my wares and all cut checks after the fact. ESPECIALLY the dissenters.(grin)

Mark has another run of BAD Bitches up and I'd certainly not fhuqking linger,if only because nothing else can begin to hang.



54 Annie Loot,is easily the most bang for the buck an Astute Gent could muster. The 75MOA Bob rail/10x MQ completes the Trifecta.

Though in fairness,do not discount how "REAL" Imagination and Pretend are,to the Fhuqking CLUELESS Fredrica and her ilk.(grin)

Bless their hearts.

Thinkin' now,that I'll toss my Annie 54 1827(non-Fort') into the 1717D HB's Living Handle,for a Loaner.

10x MQ goes without sayin'.

Just sayin'.(grin)


Describe the sweet "satisfactions" that are your' ALWAYS be THE Most Clueless Fhuqk on every Thread? You "lucky" kchunt.

You'd need a co-signer for the rails.


BC CM 18" .920".

[Linked Image]


[Linked Image]

50yd hasty zero reconfirmation. Poking an MQ on it,prolly didn't hurt performance either. Just sayin'.

[Linked Image]

You couldn't knock the "new" offa used pair of fhuqking boots.

Bless your heart.



No thang with a Skookum 10/22,to play a nice musical cadence upon distant steel,as per whim. I like to keep notes to (10) or less,so as to bask in the sanctity of OEM Ruger 10rd mags. Their 25's are better than most,but yet pale to the magnificence of the 10's.

With practice,one can have all notes airborn,prior to the first's arrival on steel.

It's a Crowd Pleaser and I hear that "Shave and a haircut"...likely gets alotta air time.(grin)

Pun be intended.

I've multiple AMT 10/22's and better than a dozen Rugers. For giggles,a sound 10/22 can do alotta schit for modest loot.

Pass the Annie 54's.
