The hilarious constant with you Do NOTHING Dumbfhuqks is,that when it's all said and done,you will have said a fhuqk of a LOT more than you "done". Hint. Laffin'!

Funnier than fhuqk,to grant Clueless Kchunts opportunity to obliviously quantify same,under the auspice of doing their "BEST". Fredrica starts a Whining Thread,because she's a Brokedick Turd Polisher who's never even seen the wares requisite,let alone used 'em and Judmam saves the day by outdumbfhuqking her.

EPIC fhuqking humor!

Between the two of you STUPID Fhuqks,you cain't muster the Riggin' to scratch the surface upon the initial query,but in fairness,there is NO slighting the magnitude of your Magnificent Whines,nor the copious amounts of Imagination and Pretend burned,to fuel your perpetual Delusions. Congratulations?!?

Your copious WELL founded Insecurities are only topped in their Humor Quotient,by your "knowledge","results" and "experience".

Pardon my being afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess and doing daily,that which your conjoined Retardation deems as being "impossible". Now ain't that a right proper Dichotomy?!?

You'll wanna read that again,now aloud and then Google it. I'm lookig forward to both the excuses and the fresh Whine. Do not "forget" that Imitation is THE most Sincere form of Flattery,as you "hard chargers" feed outta my hand,you sappy Sad Sack Kchunts.


Just sayin'.
