She's really concerned about my wares that I'm gonna drag across 4 states, and up to Canada. And all the way across the pacific to Hawaii this year, yet again!! I'm guessing I'll handily kill everyfuckingthing I want, yet again.... She'll kill a couple Sitka bucks at 50 yards, maybe shoot a kelp fed beach bear, take a few pics of rifles laying in Schitt brown stream with some soreback steelhead, all the while impressing the do nothing crowd, same Schitt different year, same whinnying pouty Lawrence... Hint

Bless her heart

She's been led to water

Blah blah blah.....

Ping pong balls for the win.
Once you've wrestled everything else in life is easy. Dan Gable
I keep my circle small, I’d rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies.

Ain’t easy havin pals.