
You Pill-Popping Addled Coke Bottled Wearin' there NO end to your Whining?!? Congratulations?!?

Please do not "forget" that you "can't read this",due your brazen "stand" of Imaginary Pretend Ignore,which only reiterates that besides being a CLUELESS Fhuqk,you are also a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit. What were the "odds"?!? Hint. Laffin'!

Now if only to fuel your Imagination and it's Pretend,allow me to furrow your brow and cross your eyes even deeper,with some more facts,which you will assuredly hafta' Google. Hint. Laffin'!

The 1717D HB simply continues to set the bar into the stratosphere(Google it) and in lackluster atmospheric conditions to boot. It's well beyond impressive in it's inherent abilities,though a gawddamned fhuqking Goat Fhuqk,given it's Living Walnut and schit Blued "finish".

Coupla MPAJ Hasty Cluster offa bipod and ruck(Kelty) under the rear,at the 100yd line in schitty winds/mirage. The Bitch dips into the .2's easily. Google it. Laffin'!

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I have it on purty good Authority that the aforementioned KIDD single-stage 1.5-pounder arrived and of course rated it's well deserved billing. While I've never fretted McMillan disassembly repeats,I still confirm. Google it all. Laffin'!

Hasty 50yd triple-tap in them schit winds.

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Tough for me to suffer unnecessary barrel length,so I simply do fhuqking NOT. Hint. Google it. Laffin'!

Knocked the 1717D HB back to shy of 19" and the balance/handling ergo's are offa da' chart,in non-lineal fashion. Ask me how I KNOW? Hint. Google it. Laffin'!

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POA/POI moved 3/10 Mil(upwards) at the 100yd line and that was easily subtended ala the 10x MQ and corroborated with the MK4 Gen2 now the parcel grants 50.5 Mils all in. Hint. Google it. Laffin'!

Portability/handling vastly improved into the realm of a .720" Clark Lothar Walther 18-incher. Though of course,a WELL fitted LW Clark 17HMR cannot begin to hang. Ask me how I KNOW. Hint. Google it. Laffin'!

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Now of course,the sole GREATEST hurdle remained and that is the fhuqking stench of Teutonic Stock Polish and CM "Bluing". Both of which are HUGE concessions in actual "use",not that you would/could ever "know". Hint. Google it. Laffin'!

Sanded the Nasty Bitch to bare metal,knocked the gawddamned fhuqking Fluff offa the stock too and done the bitch proud with some Reality. Hint. Google it. Laffin'!

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Now if you can just keep from schitting your pants,you will have had a "good" poor poor(literally) Sniveling Kchunt.

You've been led to water.




I simply stated FACTS,that are not subjective and are 100% absolutes founded in Physics.

'Course that is to the chagrin of fhuqking Window Lickers everywhere and them that "know" the LEAST,are suddenly compelled to of talk out their fhuqking ass,about the schit they've NEVER seen or let alone done. As you can MOST certainly attest in the firsthand. Hint Congratulations?!? Laffin'!

One simply needs to have the means,abilities an experience to align such constants,which of course precludes you and your ilk from having even a first fhuqking inkling. Though of course there are those "brazen" Mall Ninjas,who will attest that the Tide will not change and they are certainly afforded the absurdity of their outlook and the sweet "satisfactions" associated with such MAGNIFICENT Dumbfhuqkery.

Someone who "knows" as "much" as you,is ALWAYS gonna be best served by asking questions,instead of giving "answers". Hint. Laffin'!

' are welcome to any/all of your DELUSIONS and reserve the right to find me "mistaken" and I'll assuredly take the nano-second requisite to rub your nose even fhuqking further in your Stupidity. Though EVERYONE knows you'll shut the fhuqk up and slurk away,if only because it's the only "move" you have. I'm sooooooo hopin' I'm "wrong". Laffin'!

You'd do well to take notes,follow same and thank me later.

You've been led to water.




You suck a mean ass. Congratulations?!?

I enjoy how you don't let facts,get in the way of your Imagination and it's Pretend. You "lucky" kchunt.

