While it is true enough that the millenials are often wonderously clueless, it has to understood that they are a product of their times and upbringing. Further, their parents are our children and it is plain that we (my generation) often failed to pass along the values which we should have. It was my generation which decided that we couldn't abide a hero and went to great extremes to tear down any that we could. It was my generation who accepted the "necessity for the two-income family. It was my generation who decided we wanted, no, we needed to be pampered in our daily lives and we passed this along in spades. In general, the youth of today are like they are because they lack the background to be any different and they lack the need or opportunity. At the same time, they have been imbued with the notion that they can have it all, right now. The thing is, todays youth didn't just get that way; we made them that way. We have been so busy satisfying our own desires, we have neglected our responsibilities.
We are often critical of the apparent need for young parents to spend a good portion of their weekend drunk while their children are left to their own devices. Then we remember, our parent's generation was often not much different.
In the vein of the original post, one of our campers had to bring her husband out this spring so she could show him how to get the camper-trailer ready for the summer in case she couldn't get out to do it sometime. Funny but at the same time, a little sad. GD