Originally Posted by hatari

I was there to get a toilet rebuilt kit. Simple enough to change out the old innards in the tank. Takes all of ten minutes. While I'm grabbing the kit, a couple in there late twenties is in the same aisle and discussing their project that somehow involved a paint brush. The dominant female was telling the Metro male she was going back to get paint brush in the paint department. He seemed confused. "You're going to buy a paint brush?" "Yes, I need a paint brush." Simple enough, but the dude had that same look and sound of uncertainty as my wife when tell her things like "the crank sensor went out on your car" or "our son's online gaming is eating all of our bandwidth". It is the look of someone who really doesn't grasp the situation well enough to understand it.

Funny that you should mention the crank sensor example. I recently told my wife I had to buy one to get a Jeep started after it had been sitting a while. She actually listened and then crawled underneath the Jeep and helped change it out. It really helped when the thing finally fired up and she got to see the results.

Now with even more aplomb