I am starting to see it go the other way. I am the milleniAL who has to do all his elderly neighbors handyman work. I much prefer taking a young guy hunting instead of an old stubborn pain in the neck. You know the ones in too poor shape to get off a quad and walk 100 yards then complain they don't see deer, or shoot a deer with a sks and drag it 500 yards in the wrong direction from the road, then when I drag it and bring it home and butcher they throw it in their trunk, clean hands and all while not even saying thank you or offering to dispoke of the carcass. Yep, noticed a lot of free loading, complaining, old lions lately. Probably spend the next 20 years supporting them when they poss away every penny and go on the dole. Ahh, 60 year Olds the next social welfare crisis:)