May have posted on this before.. But we have a couple Glocks a 19 and 21.. Also a couple 1911's.. My a pile of Smiths.. I bought the Glocks for those trips that take us though heavily populated cities. Lots of rounds.. But yesterday after a long spell of not shooting.. (2 weeks) I decided to do some prep for fall.. I took my model 28 6", and Smith in .45 ACP the Glocks, and one 1911.. The 1911 has a very heavy trigger.. It is accurate, but the heavy trigger is a definite minus.. The Glocks have lighter triggers, but the two stage pull makes them less accurate for me.. But none the less when shooting at water bottles in 20 oz. size, I maybe scored 60 %.. The Smiths were an entirely different story.. Excellent triggers, super accurate.. I realize, I was cocking the hammer before shooting, but that is natural for the first shot at least..

I have been thinking which is more important, an accurate first shot, or fire power.. I am sure on trips, I will have them all in the outfit, but it is still something to consider.

Molon Labe