Grew up hunting Bob Whites with a pair of Irish Setters. Really good pair, big rangy male was the covey dog, smaller female cleaned up on singles. When I was in Juco back in '71 I had all my classes over at 12:30. Hunted several days a week. After the two setters passed I switched to German Shorthairs. We never had pheasants here in SE Ks, think I was 20 or so before I ever saw one. As the quail population dwindled trips to western Ks became the norm for pheasant. These days it's South Dakota with cheesy and his buddies. I used to hunt big whitetail on the home place, put several on the wall. Anymore as I age, I've become a meat hunter. Just want to put 2-3 in the freezer to keep out of the grocery store more. Still, upland birds will always be king for me.