Originally Posted by SamOlson
Walking around hoping to flush a grouse, partridge or pheasant has become my favorite type of hunting. Used to really be into whitetail and mule deer buck hunting but I gradually drifted away from that and the last few years have only hunted birds. I know guys that wouldn't waste their time looking for a bird and I know a few guys who only hunt birds.

I guess ideally a guy would have a drilling and focus on birds with the off chance of getting a shot at a big buck. That would be paradise.

But back to the original thought....

How many of you guys really anticipate upland bird hunting?

I really enjoy the upland season when it finally arrives. For the gorgeous country, the dog work, the exercise, the satisfaction of striking a flying bird, and the of course the birds and resulting meals themselves. I've jumped some whopper bucks while bird hunting, and more than once have thought that a drilling would be handy on those rare occasions. One conflict here in Montana is you aren't allowed to pursue big game with a dog, and a rabid warden could write you a ticket for bagging a deer while a dog was afoot.