Speaking of Javelina. We are always on the lookout for them. I do my best to steer the dogs away if I see them.

Around 12 years ago my former pair of GWPs and I rounded a small hill deep in Gardner Canyon while mearns hunting. The dogs worked forward and loped right into a sounder of 15 javelina! The javelina and dogs were going the same direction. One big one sided Thor and bit him in the face as they ran side by side. I immediately began firing the shotgun and ran in the dog's direction. It was over in seconds.

After seeing cut on his cheek didn't seem too bad we went back to hunting. A day or so later the swelling began. Took him to the vet. After a careful inspection the vet found two connecting holes. Thor's face was shaved and the infected area was irrigated. Antibiotics stopped the infection and eventually his hair grew back. As you can see, for a while he was a strange looking dog.

[Linked Image from imagizer.imageshack.com]
Here is Thor along with Abbey with his regular hairy face.
[Linked Image from imagizer.imageshack.com]