Originally Posted by RHClark
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RHClark
Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by RHClark
Originally Posted by Snowwolfe
Originally Posted by CCCC
Like moths to a flame, like flies to sticky strips, like hungry rodents - - - - the atheists, God deniers, Christian-baiters, devil reps and angry others seem to scramble onto threads like this. And, for what reason?

Because the title of the thread was “Do you believe in god”. I am not anything that you mentioned by your name calling. I wished I had the faith some of you do but I don’t. At least I am honest with myself. Your a good reason why people do not respect “Christians”.

Keep being honest with yourself and keep seeking the truth. God wants people to seek the truth. I believe that if you seek to honestly and truthfully know God, you will.

A young earth creationist discussing "seeking truth". Kind of ironic.

If you are referring to me, you are making false assumptions.

That's not consistent with what I recall, but if I microprinted your position I apologize. So do you accept that a Universe age of around 13 billion years, and earth around 4 billion is the current best supported hypothesis?

I haven't looked into it enough to know if I accept the current top hypothesis. I would have to look at everything as objectively as possible, which to me means seeking truth. I don't completely discount that the account recorded historically in Genesis could be speaking of a 6000 year period of time from Adam to current following genealogies. I think genealogies is where the 6000 years comes in.

There is also theory among Christians who also consider themselves scientists that any amount of time may have occurred between Genesis verse 1 and verse 2. The Hebrew translated as "and the world was without form and void" actually suggests a different translation than basically God made the world from that which was without form and void. The Hebrew suggests that God made the world, and then that world was made a total mess,or, a complete disaster. C

Christian scientists equate it to the fall of Satan destroying the first earth that is accounted in verse 2 of Genesis 1.

So you don't know, but see no need to throw out either the science or Biblical account based on the other. Ok, that's fair.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell