Originally Posted by atkinson
I have tried to stay out of this but since Lindsey Drummond has stepped in I will say in plain language that he is and always has been a lieing little son of bitch, and is mad at me because I exposed his operation some years ago when I contacted his so called outfit in Mexico and the people told me they knew him but he didn't have anything to do with their operation...

I also forked out $30,000 out of my own pocket to reimburse some of my hunters who got conned by a bogus outfitter who had conned me also and I was in the process of sending that SOB to jail when his mama jumped in a paid me back my money, and that was one of Lindsey Drummonds very close friends, one Darren Proctor and if I ever come face to face with Mr. Lindsey Drummond, and I will some day, then he and I will have a come to Jesus conversation..Furthermore has lied about the deer on the DK Boyd ranch and the flag ranch that is well known for big bucks and has a booth at SCI every year and these are the ranches that I book for...I also contacted him at one point and set up a meeting between him and DK Boyd and Mr. Boyd of Boyd Cattle and Oil was going to show Mr. Drummond some of his big deer, but Drummond disapeared only to surface again on the internet..I have nothing more to say on this subject, but he will, as usual, have some of his coharts come to surface on this thread and tell us what a great guy he is...Also DK Boyd is pretty unhappy with Lindsey and let it go last time, he just may not next time.

Ray, first of all, my name is Drummond Lindsey, not Lindsey Drummond.

Secondly, I was not disrespectful in my original post on this subject, I even stated that I was just offering my opinion on your sales pitch. Your response was about what I expected though, its your Modus operandi or M.O.

(Here is a web site where you can see what Modus operandi means, I didnt want to have to explain it and figured this would be the easiest way for you to know and understand what it means)

You go after anybody that questions and you'll get ugly when you do it. You should just stick to the facts but instead its easier to just go on the offensive and even call into question the character of the posters own mother, just as you've done to me in this very thread. (you did that when you called me a s.o.b.)

Now, please allow me to address everything in your response to me. I have never been mad at you for "exposing" me. In fact, I have no idea what your talking about. If you would like to "expose" me please feel free to do so publicily. Who did you talk to and what did they say? I imagine that if you called a Mexican rancher and asked about a gringo named Lindsey they probably thought you were just some loco. You have to get somebodies name right in order to gain information(see my very first sentence) Anyway, if you'd like to try and discredit me then go ahead, I have absolutely nothing to hide.

About this guy Darren Proctor, I have only heard of one other person mention this guys name and that was a client of mine in Mexico. I'll actually post a picture of the guy that mentioned it in a future post, he killed the largest deer we have ever taken down in Mexico, a 234" giant. My client had some negative things to say about him as well. I have never met the man and have never had any discussions with him. All he is to me is a name and thats it. Your grasping at straws if your trying to tie me to this guy.

I have no idea why DK Boyd would be upset with me, I've never said a negative thing about him or his ranch. You really should try to pay attention, the things I have called into question have to do with you, not DK Boyd or the owner of the Flag Ranch, even though the owner of the Flag Ranch advertises with pictures of deer that came off of the neighboring ranch(which is a better ranch IMO) and of a poached deer that wasnt even poached in a neighboring county.

Ray, you have been claiming for years that you all kill 2 to 3 Boone and Crockett deer a year. When I first saw you advertising these hunts you said 2 to 3 deer in the 208"-234" class deer a year and that was 5 or 6 years ago. If you would like to publicily humiliate me and prove once and for all that I am 100% wrong then post up the pictures of these deer. Email them to me and I'll post them for you if you cannot figure out how to do it. These are your claims, I am sure that being a man that "doesnt have to suger coat his hunts" as you claim to be can at very least be able to provide photographs of all of these giant deer. I'll even cut you some slack, instead of having to post pictures of 10+ deer(5 or 6 years at 2-3 deer a year)why dont you just come up with 3 pictures. I'm not talking about the same old pics you've been flashing around the internet all these years, I want 3 photographs of Boone and Crockett deer that have come off of these ranches. Surely with all of these giant deer this shouldnt be a problem.

As for a "Come to Jesus" conversation, hows this; Ray, I can prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you knowingly lie about your deer hunts in order to sell one. Your advertising practices absolutely disgust me and go against everything my father taught me growing up. You obviously live in a fantasy world if you think that I would say this on a public forum and couldnt live up to my end of the bargain and prove it. If you think I am lying then I beg you to tell me to prove it because I would like nothing more than to do so right here. I'm going to PM you with my phone number, feel free to call me anytime. Like I said earlier, I have nothing to hide from anybody.