I have used both for years and my family had a lot of saddle mules we used in the rough rocky rimrock country of the Big Bend of Texas, much like Arizona but more slick rock..The mule got around better in the slick rock because they were never shod and were tough footed out of Mexico..They were from Spanish Jacks and sorry mares so they had pretty poor dispositions but we sold them like hotcakes to the Colorado packers who loved those tough little devils..naturally we kids got the job of breaking and training all of them..

I like a real good mule, but a real good mule is the exception rather than the rule IMO..Also a Mule is harder to break and train, and when he is finished he is great to ride and hunt of of but you can't do much else on him as compared to a good horse..I have only seen a few mules that I could catch a fast steer off of or head a bunch of horses and only then got it barely done..For the rough country the mule is great as to getting around but so is a good horse..

Bottom line is I much prefer the horse and a good horse can do anything you ask of him, and he is more reliable and not prone to damage your hide as a lot of mules will do..:)

I am not anti mule, but I prefer a good horse every time.

As to goats, well, they are good to eat. thats about IMO...

Last edited by atkinson; 09/16/09.