Having never earned a dollar that didn't come from a horse, cow or rodeo i've been around lots of horses. Broke them, ranched,roped,packed,cut,reined etc. Only really been around one mule dad owned when i got out of school so i've got lots of examples of one. That molly came out of mexico and i think was 3/4 jackass.
An old hollywood movie wrangler told me the reason guys rode mules is they were to poor to afford a horse and to proud to ride a cow.
All jesting aside i have seen some awfully nice mules around some of the movies and i have quite a little intrest in them. I guess i'm to tight to buy a good one and don't have the time to spend training one just to hunt on. I raise 2 or 3 colts every year that we use on the ranch and rope on and use on the occasional movie that shows up in these parts.
Great thread! Some very diverse opinions and styles presented here.


Fourth Generation Border Rat