I won't argue some of the benifits of a good mule, but I would put my good horses up against any mule in a rodeo arena and I'll win there. A good horse is faster and quicker than any mule, easier to work daily on and can just get more done....

I have owned some good mules and our mule program over the years got better and better and we used better mares and mostly hot bloods as the packers needed a mule that could step over blow down timber..

I also had some racing mules that I bought from Elmer Hepler of New Mexico horse racing fame and they could fly but couldn't outrun a good horse..My best one was out of a Jack Straw mare and that big dunn mule could really run and right up there with a regular horse, but he was never a gentle mule..I called him cicatres (scar) because he ran into a barn wall and out the other side, tore his head up and left a bad scar..We got him broke and I rode him for a number of years.

For hunting a good mule is a jewel but I would never feel real good putting an inexperienced person on most mules, granted their are exceptions..

Like I said I am not anti mule and I sure don't mind riding a good mule, but I'm not as anal about them as most "mule men" are, those guys get plumb carried with the atributes of a mule, almost as bad as a Pre 64 Win. man! smile smile

As to myself, I have always liked a mule that wasn't "quite broke" because that kind of a mule still has some fire and go in him, most really broke nice mules get a tad on the lazy side imo and work you to death..:) smile I know that will stir the sinces of some of the mule lovers out there, but its generally a fact..

The other thing I like in a mule is I like for the Jack to have been half Mexican burro and half Mamouth, the Mexican burro will give him fire and toughness and yes even a bit of treachery, but he will be a better mule IMO...Mamoth Jack mules are slugs IMO..

I still would rather have a good horse for any cowboy chore..I know God had a since of humor, and he hated cowboys for their sinning ways, he needed to punish them, and that is how the Mule came into being! smile smile smile