Cruisin' down the middle of the road on this subject. Law enforcement is necessary, but I'm thinking a little imposition of justice would do away with the need for so many cops. To my way of thinking the collective law agencies in the US are a fifth column which I cannot fully trust. I don't fear them...just don't trust them.

Never been arrested but have had a number of experiences good and bad with LEOs. There are some of those tools out there far too impressed with their power and unconcerned with their purpose to suit me. They will lie during testimony in court. They will turn on the victim with abrasive and intimidating interrogation. They will not expend resources to solve crimes, sometimes when the perp is identified for them.

Some years back I lived in the Keys and had a fishing boat that no agency of the law could catch. The reason they never did was simple. On the day I took delivery one of the nation's finest told me he couldn't wait to take a chain saw to it during an inspection. Why would I let them do that? I had the speed and it was simple to employ. Why would I embrace LEOs, even if I understand that most are OK and stand for the right things, when far too many are two bit punks.

OTOH, one of them saved my life years ago and I never got his name or got to shake his hand.

Boils down to this for me. What have I got to gain by having discourse with cops? I avoid them when I can.

Color me skeptical of our paramilitary police agencies.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain