Originally Posted by ColeYounger
IOW, cops or the lack thereof, only become an issue to me when my own government disarms me in the face of criminals and then their agents fail to be their to provide protection. I'd rather spend my money on a gun than another cop over at the county seat. Again, sorry, but just telling it like it is.

Just to show you that I'm not trying to pick on you Cole, I offer this story. A few years back, when Kentucky passed their CCDW law, people used to always tell me at traffic stops that they had their gun, and that they had a permit for it. My pat answer was that if they didn't pull theirs, I wouldn't pull mine, and we would get along fine.

I was also asked numerous times, how I felt about that law. My answer for that was, the country I grew up in was covered in guns. I told them that if you went into the courthouse and yelled "Drop the Gun!" They would cover up the floor in Government Model Colts, and Smith J Frames. Everybody was armed. I don't mind that at all. It seems to make everyone a little more "polite" for lack of a better descriptor.

Anyway, I understand your point. Hope you can understand mine.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis