On a late night traffic stop I was working as volunteer reserve officer (my full time job was as a paramedic at the time), the deputy I was riding with pulled over a speeding car on a 2 lane state highway in the middle of nowhere (about 90 in a 55 zone).

He got out and approached the speeder, as I stayed by the patrol car, waiting for dispatch to notify us of any issues with the tags and vehicle description - and keeping a good hand on the shotgun, as a precaution, of course.

A few seconds later he comes back, and tells me to "give the guy a hand" and pops the trunk latch on the patrol car.

I go up and sure enough, wife's in labor in the back seat.

Partner comes back with the first aid kit and says, "I don't think we're going to make it to the hospital."

He was right.

And it wasn't the first time either....