Originally Posted by Gene L
120 is going to get you a ticket. Anywhere. I don't care what you say.

I never did ask that question, I always told them my name and why I was stopping them. I might say, "Is there any legitimate reason you're going 120 MPH?"

Got pulled over by a Florida Highway Patrolman about 11:30 PM in the spring of 1970 doing 120 mph in my Barracuda on a newly opened stretch of I-95 in Ft. Lauderdale. I know it was 120 because I checked the speedometer when I saw his lights. He said he clocked me at 112 and I didn't argue the point.

Told the nice officer that I needed to get my 12th grade English term paper to my teacher's house (Mrs. Rhoda Radow) by midnight that night or I would get an F, subsequently flunk English and might not graduate high school. Offered to show him the term paper on the front seat if he wanted.

He seemed to think that sufficient, gave me a lecture about how going so fast might negate my graduation in other ways and let me off with a warning. wink

Karma got me 36 years later when I got the one and so far only speeding ticket of my life doing 31 mph in a 20 mph residential zone.

And the above is entirely the truth. I swear!

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!