Originally Posted by ColeYounger

Well, reference those people at Ft. Hood where a cop showed up and helped them while in need.

Point taken. However, I expect that exactly NONE of those soldiers were wishing there was a cop around when that Muslim was firing on them. I'm guessing they were wishing they could've had their piece on them on-base.

In terms of wishing, I am always reminded of something my grandfather, "The Old Indian" used to say:
You can wish in one hand and $hyte in the other. See which one fills up the fastest.

Reference the Militarization, our units only wear BDU's when going to the range, or working some other kind of special detail, such as K-9 units. We have rank structure that makes us a quasi-military organization, I suppose, but other than that, our cadets are encouraged to make time to visit the Mom and Pop establishments, eat a sandwich and drink a coke.

I get calls at least three times a week from folks who live in the county I used to Troop. "This one is selling that." "That one is taking stolen stuff". I pass on the information to the units who work that county now.

I do my best to avoid these threads, and enjoyed doing my best to hijack it earlier, but the truth is, bitching about law enforcement is like bitching about your elected officials. If you want things to change, be willing to put yourself in that position. I am off in here spinning my wheels, there is definitely room for you too.

"The number one problem with America is, a whole lot of people need shot, and nobody is shooting them."
-Master Chief Hershel Davis