Originally Posted by Barak
Link to Article

Every death of a police officer "in the line of duty" is solemnly memorialized and carefully tabulated. However, there is no official record kept of civilians who are unjustly killed or otherwise brutalized by police.

Each encounter between the police and innocent civilians is a potentially deadly experience for the latter. Thus the real question is not "Why do innocent people flee from the police?" but rather, "What rational person would
submit to the police if he had any reasonable hope of eluding or resisting them?"

Time was an old friend would run from every game warden he saw whether he had broken the law or not, just to have the game wardens chase him.
This crazy SOB could run a mile with combat boots on in a bit over four minutes smile I saw it happen in basic training!
Never saw a GW even get close to catching him.

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
Thomas Jefferson

GeoW, The "Unwoke" ...Let's go Brandon!

"A Well Regulated Militia" Life Member