After lengthy consideration (5.2 nanoseconds) I concluded that once again, tax dollars were at work.

The alleged perp who's wife went missing while building the house did a drive by about a week later. Guess he was checking hole placement. Most of the 'hood thinks the old gal is planted in my sea wall.

By the way, if you ever get a hankering for catchin' the bonefish, look down to the area of Big Pine Key or a little west at a place called the Content Keys in May, June or late September thru October. You'll need about 200 yards of backing on an 8 weight...minimum. And you'll likely need proficiency in casting in a breeze. Or you can do Andros, B.I. The bones aren't so big there, but they aren't shy and are plentiful.

Same time of year out around the Marquesas Keys you can find permit on the flats...that's the holy grail of fly fishing as far as I'm concerned. Bring more backing. You have to transit Key West to get there so leave the gay at home.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain