Originally Posted by Dan_Chamberlain
Still, if I saw some guys who appeared to be hunting (whether or not they had any chance at all of success)(whether or not they appeared to have any talent) I can't conceive of blundering through the hunting area firing numerous shots at rocks and rabbits, just to ruin whatever hunting experience they were seeking. It goes against the grain to me. I hunt, whether it be for small or large game. If I'm small game hunting, and I observe a man in a tree bow hunting for deer, I do everything I can to both avoid his zone and not disturb the forest around him.

But as you've said, that was 20 years ago. I'm sure that we all have done things in the past that maturity or a change in attitude would be beyond us now.



I agree. Why try to [bleep] up another's hunt? Sounds like the fact they were in your hot spot had you pizzed?? Popping off a shot at some rocks, wow................

I've done plenty of dumb things but sure as hell wouldn't post them up to make another guy look bad?