Originally Posted by RISJR
Yes,facts as stated by a multitude of eyewitnesses,not some reporter's slant on thos eyewitness accounts. Please tell me you're kidding when you try to convince me to give credibiltiy to some dumb-schit reporter's slant of the witness accounts. The pathology report had the guy hammered and on Xanax and some other drug I can't now recall. Some eyewitnesses voiced immediate concern as to his health and stability.

Watching the pre-disposed,ignorers of facts crowd flailing as they try to rehabilitate their opening their mouths/inserting foot without knowing the facts or first engaging their brains is a most awesome,fun thing for a attorney to watch unfold. You guys complete me!

Now,quit your digging. Just admit you stepped on your dicks AGAIN and renew your Google searches for the next bad cop story. Major epic fail here.

So, if the individual was suffering from PTSS the police killing him is immediately justified; guess that settles it. To surmise, citizens should expect a death squad to attack if they're not properly functioning according to the police pre-determined norms.
This guy wasn't caught raping elderly ladies, pistol whipping store clerks, or committing random acts of violence. He was shopping in a store in complience with the law.

Be Polite , Be Professional , but have a plan to kill everybody you meet
-General James Mattis United States Marine Corps

Nothing is darker than a mau mau's moo moo.