So very witty. I had no idea you were terribly clever. And do mean terribly.

Now that it is established you disregard that which suites you, lets follow up with some rather inane gibberish; see if you can recognize it and determine whom it suits best:

Plodding through life basing opinions on preconceived assumptions and a total disregard for the facts must be a comfortable place to mwallow for the lazy and woefully ignorant. Prime example of the "ignorance is bliss" theory.

You obviously didn't read the eyewitness accounts.

It's actually the hawkeye rule. Your ignoring of facts before spouting your repetitive moans and whines about LE have always been suspect. And,for good reason. A pre-disposed mindset coupled with a total disregard for facts is a bed you made. Don't blame others for you being forced to sleep in it.

I know you'll need some help. Here's a hint -not hawkeye.

Be Polite , Be Professional , but have a plan to kill everybody you meet
-General James Mattis United States Marine Corps

Nothing is darker than a mau mau's moo moo.