Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by brinky72
... what if this guy began to take hostages and one of them was one of your own? I highly doubt you would be critiquing the response and actions that happened then.

The scenario you're describing didn't happen. You're engaging in fantasy.

Should be familiar territory for you and your boys. I'm glad none of you are LEO's as it would only take a week at most and 90% of you would be buried or on stress leave sucking your thumbs. Verbal judo doesn't work with folks hell bent on destruction. A philosophical conversation does not work with those high on drugs and bent on killing you. Thats from experience, something you don't have being that the only confrontation you get is on this site as you sit behind the screen. Face it, you and yours have been caught with your pants down again on this one. Dig up something new. Game over.

Keep your powder dry and stay frosty my friends.