What has an innocent man got to lose?

With the mentality displayed on this forum,and seeing the aftermath of police actions once guns are drawn,your chances of survival are pretty slim if the cops believe, or know , that you are armed.

All your kids are going to remember is that you were shot down like a coward and then[if it suits them] your body is shot full of dope and cops can always find "friendly" witnesses.Video cameras malfunction.

Cover up has become an art form.

It's funny how ,on memorial day,some cops on here are so grateful to military veterans.But when a SWAT team breaks in and kills a former Marine in his home,or this veteran gets shot for doing NOTHING,they had it coming.....because cops are the HEROES.

You "defenders of the cops,no matter what" on this forum have earned your reputation.

This thread has just enhanced it.

And Keith,my friend,don't judge all cops by yourself or all citizens by TRH when it comes to "action vs. reaction".

If a man goes to work each morning focused on getting back home safely,he has the wrong attitude for a fight.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place