Originally Posted by MontanaMan
Not rude, just curious about both you & rockchucker; both your positions are very defensively agressive concerning LEO's.

If you are, why not just say so; would help understand your position(s) better.

Nothing to be ashamed of, we're all just friends & shooters here.


I'm defensively aggressive, whatever that is, about people twisting off about something while purposely ignoring all the facts available. It's absurd and childish. It just so happens that right now that position tends to defend the cops. I've posted before when I thought cops were wrong and have posted about the times when I've helped incarcerate bad cops. But that doesn't get a lot of traction with the folks who purposely ignore all of the facts available to them.

I don't feel the need to answer every personal question that's asked of me by a stranger on the Internet. But since you said we're friends I will answer. I am a cop. I'm definitely not ashamed to say it, but it's not the crowning achievement of my life either. It's my job. I enjoy it and I'm good at it. But if I could sing and play the guitar I'd never do it another day in my life. See, now you know even more about me.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling