Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by fish head
There was another alternative for Ted regarding the debt ceiling.

Vote no and then STFU.

Ted didn't have to lambaste the Rs that voted for the debt ceiling increase and further the divide in the party. A no vote by Ted would have sufficed.

Texas would be very disappointed in him if he did that, and it's Texas that he represents. See, Cruz is displaying a trait that is very, very rare in politics...honesty. That is a very difficult thing for Politicians to take. You might even say that it's a trait worth fighting for, even if you lose. We're dumb like that.

and thus part of my high regard for Texans

no bullchit, here's the way the cards lay on the table.

what you don't like that and want to fight me? Well it seems I've just enough time in my schedule to honor your request for this dance, so let's dance! grin

there's guys on here whom I respect that have a different take, they believe a RINO is better than a Dem and I agree with them.

the trouble is, they're not good enough.

last time we had the administration, and both houses, how many gov't programs got cut?

with RINO's it's always the same old story "if only.....we had this house or the presidency or whatever, we could initiate real changes good for America"

BULLCHIT, I've never seen them do it.

you won't find many Paul's or Cruz's in DC, cause they'll speak the truth, kryptonite for most politicians.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.