Fellow Conservatives:

We wanted to share the final results of the 2016 presidential straw
poll that we conducted a few weeks ago. With more than 60,000 ballots
cast, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) was the clear winner with 43% of the
vote. U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) finished second with 18%. Here are
the results:

* SEN. TED CRUZ (TX) - 42.67% (26,114)
* SEN. RAND PAUL (KY) - 18.00% (11,018)
* GOV. SCOTT WALKER (WI) - 10.05% (6,153)
* OTHER: (write-in candidates) - 6.85% (4,192)
* FMR. GOV. MIKE HUCKABEE (AR) - 6.15% (3,765)
* GOV. RICK PERRY (TX) - 4.15% (2,540)
* SEN. MARCO RUBIO (FL) - 2.41% (1,478)
* FMR. GOV. JEB BUSH (FL) - 2.18% (1,333)
* GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (NJ) - 1.83% (1,122)
* REP. PAUL RYAN (WI) - 1.64% (1,006)
* GOV. BOBBY JINDAL (LA) - 1.24% (760)
* FMR. SEN. RICK SANTORUM (PA) - 1.02% (627)
* GOV. JOHN KASICH (OH) - 0.65% (398)
* GOV. MIKE PENCE (IN) - 0.45% (273)
* GOV. NIKKI HALEY (SC) - 0.39% (240)
* GOV. SUSANA MARTINEZ (NM) - 0.31% (187)

It's remarkable to see Ted Cruz and Rand Paul at the top of this list.
When they ran for the Senate, the Washington establishment said they
were bad for the party. Now, they are two of the party's top prospects
for the White House in 2016.

It's a good reminder that we must keep working to elect conservative
leaders who will fight for our principles and help us win the argument
for freedom. [3]

Electing new leaders isn't easy, but we must do it. Change in
Washington will only occur if we change the people we send there.

Best regards,

Matt Hoskins
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund

The only thing worse than a liberal is a liberal that thinks they're a conservative.