Originally Posted by ltppowell
Originally Posted by tjm10025

Here is Hilary Clinton in an interview on 60 Minutes just a couple of weeks before the 2016 presidential election:

"I'm not saying that Ted Cruz is worthless POS. Other Republicans - in his own party - have said he is a worthless POS."

As opposed to "Mitt is a great guy, but President Obama already gave us the Affordable Care Act, and that was all Governor Romney really ever did for Massachusetts."?

Is there anybody here that doesn't believe that some of the Republicans are as bad, or worse, than any Democrat?

not this cowboy

if you sent to prison or hung them from lamposts all the degenerate individuals in DC

there'd be a lotta empty seats on both sides of the aisle

and not many folks employed in lots of buildings in DC

the new "ruling" class those in gov't and that work for the gov't and then there's we the people.

I'm pretty certain when we sing our anthem and mention the land of the free, the original intent didn't mean cell phones, food stamps and birth control.