Originally Posted by BOWSINGER
I stand with Ted and the NRA in support of better, more fair and more effective means to keep whacko�s and felons from getting firearms.
Those mass shootings headlines do the rest of us no good and harm legal gun owners.

People kill people.
Anyone who thinks that making it easier for sick people to kill people needs to do a rethink.

Everyone is in favor of better and more effective mental heath programs to stop at least some of those sick people from killing people.
Very few want to address the problem of keeping guns out of the hands of those sick people.

Lock up the whacko�s and felons away from the guns or lock up the guns away from the whacko�s and felons.

Picking up guns and ammo at the local Walmart on your way to shoot a bunch of kids at the local school would not help our odds of picking up our guns and ammo at the local Walmart on our way to shoot a deer or two.
