Originally Posted by 2legit2quit

but yep, someone's gonna expect a ROI on 30 million

If I donate a hundred bucks to Cruz, I want him to vote my way on the 1st and 2nd Amendments, put an end to illegal immigration and do a few other things.

For my $100, I want that as my return on investment. It has value to me. Liberals - and strangely, certain folks on this forum - would say I was buying him.

If I donate a half-million to Cruz, I'm going to want something more. Only a child would imagine there was something unusual about this. Unsavory, perhaps, but JFHC, was there ever a moment in the history of the United States ...

Birdy, help us out if you're logged in.

... was there ever a moment in the entire history of the United States, when donors with deep pockets weren't giving money to presidential candidates with the intention of making some big money on the back end?

Was there some Golden Age of America - some bright and shining Camelot moment - when this never happened, and is this what Bristoe is longing for a return to, with all his heart? No, there wasn't.

We're damn lucky in this country in that our politicians are only willing to be bought so far and - for the most part - no further. There's a limit to greed and corruption in the US that is barely existent in other countries and in some, not at all.

We're lucky that there is enough honesty and integrity in some politicians to act as a kind of counterweight to those politicians who have none. Things are not as politically rotten here as they could be. Not by a long way.

But an America where people don't try to buy favors from the government with their campaign donations? That America never existed. Ever. Not once. And it's not going to change now.

Most here understand this, I think, but it's surprising how many still act surprised.