
I ain't BOWSINGER and Cruz ain't got boobs. laugh [/quote]

Just for you....Babe...
Join our campaign! Palin-Cruz the Winning Ticket for 2016!!
The logical opponent for Hillary Clinton is Sarah Palin with a Ted Cruz chaser�� And if we want to take our country back and win in 2016, it is time to start pressuring Reince Priebus at the RNC to look at the obvious.
The left knew how much of a threat Sarah Palin was, and is, and colluded to demonize her using their progressive minions in the mainstream media with instructions to use any and every dirty trick in their bag of Alinsky tricks� already knowing that they would be running Hillary Clinton in 2016 and that Sarah Palin another tough woman but younger, prettier, principled and by then tested by the fire created by them, who had real accomplishments both personal and professional would be the Republican�s best shot to beat her� that is if common sense could get past the GOP party establishment that strangled the party in 2008 and 2012.

The Progressives organized a group of jour�no�lists including CFR operative Katie Couric to go after Palin and a created what is commonly know as Palin Derangement Syndrome� which still continues.� And it really is time that we re-exam it and are prepared to address those falsehoods with the truth and facts.

It is time that we, Republicans, Conservatives, Independents, Libertarians... Patriots of all stripes, arm ourselves with the truth, use common sense and start supporting Sarah Palin, a woman who has been vetted and tested and has a history of accomplishments, of being a fighter and what it takes to beat Hillary Clinton.. a women with an endless record of lies, scandals and very weak or questionable accomplishments.
And why Ted Cruz for VP?
The Key' for the GOP to both beat Hillary in 2016 and nullify the carrot of 'electing the first female president', is running Sarah Palin at the top of the ticket!!�
She is tough, charismatic, loved by average Americans, vetted and already tested like no candidate before her.�
Plus Palin's circle of supporters and influence is growing, while many of her detractors have had to publicly admit they were wrong about her and admit that she has been right about a long list of things, including Fannie and Freddie, death panels in ObamaCare, Putin invading the Ukraine and even about President Obama himself.

And there is a good crop of possible GOP VP choices for 2016 including Rand Paul, Allen West, Ben Carson and Ted Cruz.� So why Ted?

When you watch the reaction and reception for Ted Cruz virtually everywhere he goes, except in Washington D.C. and add his Cuban heritage as well as his understanding of the immigrant experience through his father; plus he and Palin being friends and simpatico politically you have a real winner for the GOP and for America and the American people!�

In his CPAC introduction of Sarah Palin in 2013, Ted Cruz credited his election to Sarah Palin, as do many she has endorsed and fought for.

Cruz and Palin were the bookends for CPAC 2014 and rocked the house!

Sarah Palin (consistently) tops the poll of women that Americans want to run for President.� Palin has highest favorability rating among GOP primary voters in poll after poll.
The Election of 2016 will be the battle for America�s soul and future. More and more people are saying, �Wouldn�t that be an amazing race� two women, Sarah verses Hillary running for President of the United States?� Yes it would be! Two women... two paths... polar opposites.� And it would be the first time in a long time that the American people had a clear choice as well as an interesting race!

And why Cruz for the number 2 spot... because for over a year now Palin and Cruz have vied for top spot on the GOP ticket in virtually every Straw Poll.�
Cruz is brilliant, brings in the Hispanic vote, understands what it is to be an immigrant through his father and is a fighter.�
Plus he and Palin are simpatico and agree on almost all issues.
Cruz credits Palin for his election to the Senate and calls her the Kingmaker and they appear together on behalf of candidates and at events regularly.

In our view, the fact that Palin, Cruz and Paul consistently hold down the top of the list of preferred candidates, in the polls with limited government constitutional conservatives like Senator Mike Lee, Dr. Ben Carson and Col. Allen West right behind, shows that the voters are searching for authenticity and real change and that it will be the determining factor in the 2016 Republican presidential primaries. (We could support a Palin ticket with Paul, Lee, Carson or Allen in the number 2 spot, but as mentioned above, there are good reasons why a Palin-Cruz ticket is a winner!)...

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."