Cruz hires former Gingrich aide as political operation builds

HOUSTON — The political operation of potential 2016 presidential candidate Ted Cruz continued to beef up Monday as a top aide to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich signed onto the senator’s team.

Rick Tyler, Gingrich’s longtime spokesman who served as a top strategist to a super PAC that supported Gingrich’s 2012 presidential campaign, will join Cruz’s campaign-in-waiting to serve as a senior communications adviser.

“I am honored to come on board with Sen. Cruz and join the effort to make D.C. listen to the American people,” Tyler said in a statement. “I believe he will emerge as the conservative leader of the next generation because he understands that it is not ‘we the bureaucrats,’ but ‘we the people’ who make this nation exceptional.”

Tyler is the latest addition to the slowly-building political shop that would serve as the backbone of a likely Houston-based presidential campaign. Last fall, Cruz hired three other strategists to join the existing team that masterminded his 2012 upset victory over David Dewhurst: Jeff Roe, a Kansas-City based direct-mail strategist expected to play a top organizational role; Jason Miller, a communications adviser; and Laura Lofstrom, a national fundraising consultant.

Cruz has not yet announced aides who will advise him in the key early-primary states, but he has visited those states early and often ever since winning election to the Senate. Last month, Cruz spoke at gatherings in South Carolina and Iowa, and he will return to the Iowa and New Hampshire next month.

Later this month, on Feb. 20., Cruz will headline a GOP fundraising dinner in Florida.

The only thing worse than a liberal is a liberal that thinks they're a conservative.