When you live half a continent away (or a hemisphere), it's hard to do all that one needs to in order to put in their time and effort to do the research, learn the area, do the scouting in order "to mater the outdoors". I have "mastered the outdoors" with almost every type of hunting experience in Mississippi and want to see and experience more.
I am a pharmacist and a preacher. Between my 2 professions, it leaves little time to actually pack up and go hunt. I sure don't have time to run to Idaho 7 or 8 times to scout before I come to hunt for a week.
I've been to Africa twice now. At no time did it ever cross my mind that I killed 11 animals on an 8 day hunt this year because of my hunting skill. that would be silly. Without a doubt, I know that if I was told "Here's the land and boundaries and a topo map. Go hunt." I know I could have been successful hunting something. But certainly I would not have taken (with my wife) 11 quality animals. that would be absurd to even say.
It's like Marius said "I'm a PH, I'm supposed to be able to do this better than you. I do it 270 days a year. You're a pharmacist and preacher and I sure couldn't do that at all."

Not pointed at you or anyone in particular, but for someone to demean or belittle someone else for hiring a guide when they live across the continent from the hunting area is an example of jackassedness.