Saw my Rhodesian/Zim expat buddy John Tolmay yesterday. Born and raised in Rhodesia, he was a PH for some 30 years before he was forced out by Mugabe. He now lives in North Carolina and is a marvelous bronze artist.

I asked John how he was doing, and his reply was a sincere "I've got to get back to Africa!". He needed a fix, so to speak. The allure of African hunting to many of us is not the game or the hunting per se, it is Africa. Difficult to convey to those who have never been.

I think you'll like his website:

Bronze Africa

"The Democrat Party looks like Titanic survivors. Partying and celebrating one moment, and huddled in lifeboats freezing the next". Hatari 2017

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Han Solo