Yeah, reading SM's posts are like driving past a wreck on the interstate. You can't help but look to see just what the latest drama the guy is stirring up. One can't help but wonder why he constantly sticks his foot in his mouth. Addled from drugs and bad blood? Well, then shut up until you aren't! Recent times that found me loopy from pain meds post-op sure as heck didn't find me trying to speak coherently or making dumb deals on the internet for all to see. To do otherwise is to exhibit a lack of inherent good sense, IMO.

As far as tricking out a bike in a military motif, the add-ons described would be kind of hokey to me. A far better approach would be to simply dress the bike with a finish scheme mimicking a WWII Harley, without a bunch gimcrack. Properly done it would be a stunning bit of understatement, IMO.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty