For just a while I hoped this thread would provide fertile ground for the pre-introduction Sneak Peek Special on my new "Race Greener" totally organic rear tires,....made 100% from American hard and softwoods, bonded with some stuff we get from a local rendering plant.
They make a "Smoke Show" put on by a ribber tire look like a smoldering cigarette in a Tangiers cat house,....and when properly run, provide fire that Hollywood only dreams of.
Sigh,.....looks like the "F#ck the ETs, my bikes COOLER lookin' than yours" was going to take Root ( that one's for Larry), but it would seem that readers here are a tough sell on that philosophy.

I think I'll wait,....but those who are REALLY interested can send a measly $499.99 Cashier's check, for best buy on the first stock options.

This is BIG,....get in on the ground floor, cuz' when the street versions are introduced, you'll be in fat city.


Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain