Originally Posted by GeoW
Looks like a hooptie loaded with white Negros, Neanderthals is a better word.

Just for S&Gs how would you cop haters handle the matter? They showed more restraint than I would have..

I prob'ly qualify as a "cop hater" on the forum.

If I was a cop that had been called for backup, I would have been carrying my shotgun. They could submit and be cuffed. They could run away, or they could show fight and get shot.

If I was a cop supervisor, I'd explain to my troops that I didn't buy guns for them to be getting in scuffles and wrestling matches.

As long as you've got a 12 ga. trained on them, you ARE IN CONTROL of them. They can yell and cuss, but they are no threat to you.

When you got 8 or 10 adversaries...... THAT'S a riot, and it calls for a riot gun.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place