My question is, why, when the police were not succeeding in subduing the family, did the cops not escalate their physicality?

There should have been heads knocked with the asp. Smack some of these guys right across the ear and they would go down. There should have been some knees taken out. Especially the big guy who was trying to help, he easily could have destroyed the dad's knee when the dad re-engaged and the walmart employee came back in from the side. I believe some of the LEOs also had that opportunity when they engaged family members who were attacking other LEOs.

I agree the tactics of the police might not have been up to snuff when dealing with a combative group like this. But I think they did ok. I am honestly surprised more family members weren't shot. Amazed really after the first shot was fired, more LEOs didn't follow suit and I would not have blamed them one bit.

I agree with the idea a shotgun would have helped tremendously, but what police expects a simple assault in a walmart to require a shotgun?

Montana MOFO