Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
My guess is since cops are people the 20-60-20 rules apply

20%. Salt of the earth, we are lucky to have them

60%. Middle of the road, good days, bad days, decent enough people just doing a sometimes very hard job

Bottom 20%. Brrrr honeycomb, they're mainly why these threads get started. Some slip thru the recruiting process and disguise their lust for power well enough to get a badge and gun. They're azzhole cops and azzhole people, most of us have run into one of them and it sucks

What amazes me is that more of the 60% don't fall into the bottom 20%

I swear I don't know how these folks do what they do day after day. I don't have the temperament for it. I'm grateful for the 80% that do it well.

I find the 20/60/20 rule to be pretty accurate any time you're discussing groups of people

What you have to understand is that nobody is either good or bad. The same guy who will risk his life to save a kid from a house fire might look the other way when the chief's son gets caught with an underage girl.The same guy that would give you CPR and save your life in a wreck might tune you up if he had to run you down during a meth raid. Cops are just people and it would take a real saint to be all good all the time.