Originally Posted by Lonny
Charlie I can't believe you admitted that on a public forum.... smile

Seriously though, the Granberg is to sharpening chainsaw chain as the Apex Edge-Pro is to knife sharpening. If your a little off on your angles free-hand, the tool is your friend for staying on.

I've seen people though who swear up and down they can sharpen a loop of chain, but when you watch them cut it says much different. Case in point; my nephew makes his living as a wildland firefighter and even teaches saw safety stuff for them. When I watch him saw with a chain he sharpened, I feel sorry for a powerhead.

Post a picture for folks if you could.

They were made by different folks and sold by different folks over the years. Sears and Montgomery Wards at least.

The earlier ‘file n joint’ by Granberg were some of the best I’ve been told.

A picture would help folks recognize them at yard sales and such.