I like killing mature bucks with lots of antler! I try to do so every year. I pass up several that would make others very happy. That’s just what I choose to do. But...

....I don’t care what anybody else shoots as long as it’s legal.
....I’m strongly opposed to antler restrictions.
....I tell anybody that hunts with me or on my land to shoot whatever makes them happy.
....I let my kids or any kids shoot anything they want, from button to spike to giant.
....I don’t care how you do it as long as it’s legal - over corn, with a bow, crossbow or gun - I don’t care.
....I fill my doe tags every year. I enjoy shooting and eating deer. We hadn’t bought ground beef in years.
....I let my kids shoot as many deer as they want (within legal limits).
....I like trail cameras. I consider it part of the hunt. Pictures are neat.
....I want everybody to be happy with their kill.

I know “inches” are killing hunting and it pisses me off.

I enjoy handguns and I really like shotguns,...but I love rifles!