A hundred grand a year is crazy stupid. Especially when it's wasted.

Set up a VOLUNTEER program, call it Hurt Locker. Each classroom has a biometric arms and kevlar cache. Filled or not depends on the teacher. Locker is alarmed to the school central network. Also, a camera is there to monitor any person that opens or attempts to open the locker, anyone tampering is expelled, fired, jailed. The volunteer defender picks whatever they want for a firearm, for close-order of course. Plus vest and face protection.

Volunteers should have a good insurance program set up, paid for by the school system, so if they step up and are killed or wounded, their families won't have to worry about finances, pensions and the like.

There's another "advantage" -- if you're pinned in a room and can't conveniently hide, you're gonna fight, especially if you have to protect innocents.

Lots of other things could be thought of in a rational manner.

Up hills slow,
Down hills fast
Tonnage first and
Safety last.