Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Originally Posted by APDDSN0864
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
...From what I've been told that is what is being taught now. Only fly in the ointment is some are being taught minimum of 2 to make entry.

Yeah, that was the policy where I worked, too...but it was sometimes a forgotten policy. Risk Management folks can come up with some ROE's that just don't meet reality.


I bet. Not going to wade in on anything other than just pointing out the catchphrase of the day is "training" and how that qualifies or disqualifies one from being able or not able to do one thing or another. If it makes everybody feel better to have trained folks armed, then don't hang them when they revert to what they were trained to do.

Our training related mostly to the the interior layout of the school and other things specific to that location. Familiarization, etc. The mission was and is clear. Somebody is in there shooting children. You need to get in there and stop it NOW! There's no minimum. We practiced the Hall Boss and Y and T formations, but we aren't waiting around for a squad, first one onscene take charge and engage the threat, if there are more people available, then adapt your tactics to take advantage. Get it done!

Deadlines and commitments, what to leave in, what to leave out...