Originally Posted by Klikitarik
Everybody's some color, whether they are considered colored or not. My wife has never once inferred that her color was better than mine or vice versa. (She did once use our color difference in a pejorative way when she was really drunk and in front of our young boys, and she discovered that she would not be doing that ever again if she wanted to keep me and them around.) I've never felt 'different' because she was with me in public, nor have I noticed any signs that she has felt that way. We're just people. Who cares?

I would have to say that anyone man who doesn't recognize the beauty or attractiveness of a woman, regardless of her skin color, might need to get checked for a gay chromosome or something. And ugly comes in every shade too, so it ain't like we're discriminating.

Thank you sir!!

J Simoneaud

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