Originally Posted by satx78247

Fwiw, I was working for HQ NGB at the Pentagon then & the SOLE responsibility for that !@#$%^& MESS was none other than WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON.

In case you've forgotten, Clinton stated in a letter to the ROTC Commanding Officer at The University of Arkansas that, "I have always despised the military."

Pardon me for being cynical enough to believe that the then POTUS did that, on purpose, to "screw over" the GOOD GIs & to "look good" to the LEFTISTS in the DIMocRATS Party. - Thereby, he also PLEASED HIMSELF, too.

Btw, WELCOME HOME, Brother-in-Arms.

yours, tex
USAMPC, Retired

Another great moment of Billy boy was being read the riot act
In brigade formation to cease and desist any Billy and Monica jokes
During his impeachment proceedings. That "order" was DOD wide supposedly.
Those 10 or 12? Repub senators that voted against impeachment
Still need to burn in hell
Espically sue Collins and Olympia snowe from Maine.
Frigging turncoats from my home state at the time.